
The website

This website has been set up in the frame of the R+D project entitled “Developing strategies against climate change for the preventive conservation of Valencian railway-tramway heritage” (Desenvolupament de strategies per fer front al cambi climatic per a la conservació preventive del patrimony ferrotranviari; Desarrollo de estrategias frente al cambio climático para la conservación preventiva del patrimonio ferrotranviario valenciano), ref. I+D AICO/2021/095, ascribed to the program Consolider of the Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital of the Generalitat Valenciana. The website has been created with a view to fostering and developing the interest, and responsibility for safeguarding the Valencian railway-tramway heritage (RTH) in the Valencian Community. The website seeks to be an open window through which the people interested in the study of the RTH and in its protection can follow the progress of this research and interact with the team by taking part in virtual activities and consulting information developed during the progress of the work program of the R+D project.

The R+D project

The R+D project, which started in January 2021 and finishes in December 2023, is aimed at developing specific preventive conservation plans for the RTH taking into account all kinds of risks.  In particular, focusing on preventing the potential risks that the changes in climate can cause to this type of heritage is highly sensitive to environmental conditions of preservation. Among the specific objectives of the research can be remark:


– Establishing general criteria for designing RTH preventive conservation plans.

– Developing efficient methods for implementing RTH preventive conservation plans.

– Evaluating multi-technique methodologies for the preventive control of RTH.

The Valencian railway-tramway heritage conservation Group

The research team set up ad hoc includes specialists from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Universitat de València (UV) with notable expertise in preventive conservation of cultural heritage, practice in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, scientific analysis, and examination of cultural heritage and transport research so that the required interdisciplinarity for affording this investigation is guaranteed.

Organization Chart


María Teresa Doménech-Carbó-Institut Universitari de Restauració del Patrimoni (IRP)-UPV

Members of the team

Antonio Doménech-Carbó-Departament de Química Analítica-UV

Vicente Guerola-Blay-(IRP-UPV)

Francisco Juan-Vidal-(IRP-UPV)

Rosario Llamas Pacheco-(IRP-UPV)

Susana Martín-Rey-(IRP-UPV)

María Luísa Martínez-Bazán-(IRP-UPV)

Salvador Muñoz-Viñas-(IRP-UPV)

Javier Orozco-Messana- Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y de Materiales-ETS de Edificación-UPV.

Policy Officer, DG CNECT unit Technologies for Smart Communities.

Maria Victoria Vivancos-Ramón-(IRP-UPV)

Technical Assistance

Ignasi Gironés-Sarrió-(IRP-UPV)